Past and Present Meditations

Past meditation targets subconscious, childhood and past life patterns. There are four meditations, 8-30 minutes long, for sunrise and sunset alchemy. They awaken movement of change, forgiveness and freedom. Past meditation heals shame from judgment, parental or social programs. It clears subconscious beliefs for true essence to emerge. It creatively expands the mind and unlocks knowledge to higher energy and empowerment.
          Future meditation targets future self manifestation, alignment and self worth/self esteem. There are four meditations, 15 minutes long, for sunrise and sunset alchemy. They awaken movement of talent, vision and courage. Future meditation heals low self worth, undervalue and sabotage. It encourages/pressures us to be expansive and bold. It activates the creative mind and higher potential. It develops self expression and fearlessness for self mastery/soul retrieval.
            The 5th dimension is the manifesting realm where alchemy occurs. It is where soul vitality and kundalini awakening exist for human beings. It is the symbol of the serphant, white dove and peacock. It is an intentional, constructive and highly creative realm. It is the Holy Spirit or Akashic Record access points that begin integration into higher dimensions such as 12 dimensions into celestial realms. The 5th dimension is where we connect with past and future instantaneously through meditation, self hypnosis, past life regression and future self intention, projection and magnetism/expansion. 5th dimension represents creative expansion and soul retrieval, the realm leading to infinite realms. The portals on Earth are 5D (5th Dimensional) access points that connect beings on Earth to knowledge of light and creation. Past and future meditations raise the vibration to emerge with 5D conscious connection for powerful manifestation and self empowerment. With higher energy, we are able to reparent and reinvent the deep ingrained programs and restore mind, body and spirit to natural rhythms that deal with spiritual fulfillment and total self empowerment.