Questions and Answers

What is the most difficult subconscious belief to reinvent?
          Judgment challenges new ideas as a protection mechanism. Meditation develops intuition and discernment, which is non-judgment and non-attachment, the mind and subconscious, becomes more flexible, adaptable and empowered instead of ridged, stubborn and triggered by upgrades to ego identity. Receptivity is intuition and discernment. It is ready to heal, grow and excel with enthusiasm for experience that challenges the self to evolve instead of stay the same or resist inner and outer change. Judgment is closed off, controlling and embarrassed to think and feel creativity expansive that may contradict and neutralize or dissolve previous beliefs. Past and future meditations work through judgment that doubt, sabotage and stagnate the flow from truly opening into higher potential. Transforming judgment into intuition, discernment, the creative mind is open and ready to learn through test, challenge and trial and error for greater knowledge on creative expansion.
How does spirit direct us towards our spiritual fulfillment?
          Spirit encourages us to believe in our divine right to be prosperous by giving us opportunities to learn, experience and grow. Spirit gives us high potential to manifest and empower our creative destiny. Spirit wants us to heal karma by surrendering to our heart’s desire to love and inner child freedom. Following our spiritual fulfillment is developing courage, talent and self love that elevate our mind towards self awareness. With self awareness, we are able to awaken the spiritual heart and expand beyond limiting or low self worth functions of self.
How do we align with manifestation?
          Creative expansion is alignment. When we focus on creativity, which is learning, growing and excelling, we are expanding our caliber to match the potential of our divine right to reach the higher potential. When we are reaching higher potential we are challenged to follow our joy and liberate our spiritual heart. When we align our 10 bodies to the spiritual heart or Mother Gaia we awaken spiritual gifts that grant us prosperity. We align our 10 bodies to the spiritual heart through creative expansion that activates the radiance and sound current of our manifesting leadership.
How does past and future meditation help us step into our human excellence?
As we release judgment towards the past, we elevate the future. As we activate the future awareness (what we truly want), we align our 10 bodies to the spiritual heart that unlocks tools, techniques and talents. We need to raise our caliber to match the high potential of our human excellence. Past and future meditation energizes the sovereign mind and inner knowledge for clear vision; soul retrieval and healing that awaken creative expansion, helping us to shift 10 bodies into spiritual heart harmony.