Quotes for Creative Expansion

Develop inner ESP (Extra-Sensory-Perception) for interdimensional communication and transformation.
We manifest through our spiritual heart.
Do not have judgment for the past.––Work on intuition and discernment. Learn creative expansion through receptivity to end triggers that halt the mind.
You are uncomfortable because you are a pioneer. Be fearless by developing your spiritual heart.
Your spiritual heart is the universal flow that births tools, techniques and talents for fulfillment of higher potential.
Unlock the mind, release judgment and surrender to the spiritual heart.
Past is discernment and boundaries. Future is self worth/self esteem. Present is creative expansion that strengthens the bond between past discernment and boundaries and future self worth/self esteem.
Past partners are mirrors into self worth and self esteem. Future partners reflect creative expansion. Present partners are teachers on how to anchor our spiritual fulfillment.
Manifestation is self esteem, vision perseverance and talent. Alchemy is forgiveness, acceptance, non-judgment and healing.
Your triggers are pathways into nervous system recalibration. Learn transmutation by refining your meditative mind.
Your soul awakening is your dharma.

Everyone has karma, planetary and ancestral karma. When we renovate, reinvent and redefine the mind we are revolutionizing karma in our favor.
Karma left uncheck is the system of checks and balances left uncheck. Learn to pay attention to your routine by studying the words, choices and friends, input/output you choose frequently.
We sabotage our courageous choice because we are judgmental.
We settle in relationships because we are not expanded YET.
Creative expansion is your highest soul vitality.
Creative expansion is most high years 0-9. Tools, techniques and talents develop are to support the basic vision of the child’s mind. Adulthood’s function is not to deconstruct the child’s mind but to encourage its applied science and creative technology.
Past mistakes can be anxiety's relay without sophistication to relay the information through self awareness.
Limbo, rock bottom and holding period is the universe demanding you to change the narrative by expanding your creative potential.
Creative potential is the ability to think, feel and activate thought patterns that showcase rhythmic vibrational field and programs self to fulfill Mother Earth’s harmony.
Compare, compete and contrast leads to copies of same replications. Creation is style shaped by inner amplification.
Innovation is sovereign identity.
Vibrating the cosmos saves time on Earth. It removes the pattern quickly and moves us quicker towards maneuvering movement to hold more of our knowledge.
We waste time overthinking. Steady the mind on the maneuvering movement that harmonizes the life force.
Higher chakras feed the totality of the incarnation.
Creative expansion is the higher incarnation. It is held in the vibratory field of women’s dharma.
Relationships that don’t work out either reveal path towards improving self worth, “What do you want?!!!”, raise the kundalini/raise the creative power of relationship or clues to your creative awakening.
Relationship patterns, repeating same mistakes, behaviors and unfulfilling relays with partners, reveal the lack of communion with self. We are avoiding, distracting and stagnating ourselves because amplification of the inner victory out into the outer environment is off circuited by judgment. We judge ourselves and continue to relay our weakness instead of commanding a fulfilling narrative.
Planetary trauma affects the narrative of every family’s karma. It appears impossible to surmount self defeat/deceit but is necessary for dharma to resurrect. Amplification of inner higher chakra through tool, technique and talent agitate planetary trauma, redefining family's karma by deepening creative expansion.
Creative expansion is the technology for raising the base line frequency of human beings. It has the resilience to reparent the narrative, improving the narrative and deciding a more fulfilling narrative.
Resilience is self esteem, vision, perseverance and talent. It resurrects technology to mystery's wealth code.